The experience of breastfeeding is special for so many reasons, including:
The decision to breastfeed is a personal one. As a new mom, you deserve support no matter how you decide to feed your baby. You should not be made to feel guilty if you cannot or choose not to breastfeed. In this section, you can learn more about breastfeeding. You also can find tips and suggestions to help you successfully breastfeed, whether you decide to breastfeed for two weeks, two years, or more.
Getting Started
Although you are physically equipped to breastfeed your baby, you may not feel emotionally or physically ready – especially if you encounter problems. Trying to comfort a crying, hungry baby who isn’t latching on can be heartbreaking. It’s important to remember that most nursing difficulties occur during the first six weeks while everyone is learning feeding patterns. The majority of difficulties can be easily remedied, and as the weeks go by, you will become more relaxed and confident.
Nursing – A good latch-on is KEY
Getting your baby to “latch” on properly takes some practice and can be a source of frustration for you and your baby. One approach to learning to breastfeeding is a more relaxed, baby-led latch. Sometimes called biological nurturing, laid-back breastfeeding, or baby-led breastfeeding, this style of breastfeeding allows your baby to lead and follow his or her instincts to suck.
The steps below can help your newborn latch on to the breast to start sucking when he or he is ready. Letting your baby begin the process of searching for the breast may take some of the pressure off of you and keeps the baby calm and relaxed.
Keep in mind that there is no one way to start breastfeeding. As long as the baby is latched on well, how you get there is up to you.
If you have tried the “baby-led” approach and your baby is still having problems latching on, try these tips:
For information on how to donate breast milk please see The King’s Daughters milk bank brochure.
For more information, examples of breastfeeding “holds” and specific hints please visit Women’s Health.GOV
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