Adolescent Gynecology

As a teenager, you may be seeking to have more of a voice in your own health. The Group for Women doctors are with you every step of the way to help you set the stage for a bright and healthy future!

Adolescent GynecologyIt’s important to establish a relationship with your doctor. Annual appointments should begin in your teen years and are especially important when you are sexual activity. These appointments focus on your unique issues, needs and concerns in an atmosphere that allows you to feel comfortable talking about your health

Your doctor can discuss:

  • Your menstrual cycle, including when you will start your period, heavy bleeding, missed periods, menstrual cramps and any irregularities.
  • Physical changes in your body
  • Pelvic pain and infections
  • Vaginal pain, infections and discharge
  • Breast health, growth, pain and lumps
  • Birth control counseling and educational materials
  • Prevention, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Vaccines like the HPV Vaccine

Call for your appointment today at 757-466-5751.

The Reproductive Health team is proud to launch a statewide text program for teens!
This pilot program will last six months, and will provide an opportunity for teens share their questions about sex, sexuality, STIs, contraception, relationships, and more with a trained professional. VDH is partnering with the American Sexual Health Association to offer this service, and ASHA staff are prepared to answer teens’ questions and refer them to local resources. To participate, a teen would simply text “TALK2MEVA” to 66746, and they will receive an answer within 24 hours from a certified health educator.

Schedule Your Appointment

Please call us to schedule your appointment at (757) 466-5751 or fill out the contact form.

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